valentine friendship quotes

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  • Willis
    Mar 26, 04:04 PM
    I really don't think it's an iPad. Given how it appears to be a bright and sunny day and how much light can be seen reflecting off of most other surfaces, the "iPad's" surface seems too matte.

    iPad case?

    valentine friendship quotes. valentine friendship quotes. and friendship quotes like; and friendship quotes like. m3digi. Apr 18, 12:17 AM. I#39;m a little confused.
  • valentine friendship quotes. and friendship quotes like; and friendship quotes like. m3digi. Apr 18, 12:17 AM. I#39;m a little confused.

  • gammamonk
    Nov 11, 10:00 PM
    どうもマックです。   - Nice to meet you, I'm a Mac.

    こんにちはパソコンです。 - Hi, I'm a PC.

    っオ、iPod、何聴いてる  - Oh, an iPod, what are you listening to?

    Eurobeat. - Eurobeat.

    Eurobeat? - Eurobeat?

    いいですよねiPod. iTunesは使いやすいし、Podcastも楽しみだし。 - iPods are great. iTunes is easy to use, and I can look forward to my Podcasts.

    マックなら、iPodと同じぐらい簡単に写真やムービを楽しめる。iLifeが付いてるよ。 - You know, for a mac, we enjoy things with pictures and movies just as easily as using an iPod. I come with iLife.

    へ〜iLife。私もクールなソフトが色々付いてますよ。 - Oh, iLife? I also come with all kinds of cool software.

    オ〜例えば。  - Oh, for example?

    計算器。    - Calculator.

    後は?     - What else?

    時計。 - Clock.

  • valentine friendship quotes.

  • ctsoxfan
    May 2, 03:22 PM
    Thanks for the tip on this game - just downloaded it as well.

    valentine friendship quotes. valentine friendship quotes.
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  • MacRumors
    Oct 16, 04:13 PM (

    Appleinsider reports ( that Apple has filed for another trademark for the "iPhone" term on September 15th with "a Far Eastern trademark office". The filing describes the iPhone as under "handheld and mobile digital electronic devices for the sending and receiving of telephone calls, faxes, electronic mail, and other digital data; MP3 and other digital format audio players".

    Apple's rumored phone has been dubbed "iPhone" due to Apple's ownership of the ( domain name for the past seven years. Apple, however, owns a number of unused domain names (

    More evidence of a legitimate interest in the iPhone name came when Apple filed for iPhone trademarks in Australia ( and the UK ( in 2002. This is only the latest filing is of iPhone trademarks. Interestingly, another company ( has the iPhone trademark in the U.S.

    Meanwhile, Prudential analysts ( released a research note to their clients indicating that according to their "checks", Apple's entry into the phone market would come in two forms. One model is expected to be a "smart phone" with integrated keyboard, video and music capabilities while the other model would be a slimmer phone that just played music.

    Reportedly, there are some concerns about market acceptance and battery life and Apple is only planning to market the phones in limited quantities to test the market.

    Incidentally they also believe that the long rumored "wide screen video iPod" will begin production in the December quarter, but is not expected to see a release until next year.


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  • rasmasyean
    Apr 30, 05:31 PM
    Sadly, these "findings" really only say (or rather confirms the status quo) one thing to me.
    Mac users are...PRETENTIOUS!

    Lets see:
    computer loyalty...zealot
    All other snob crap...flamboyantly rich and or wannabe rich

    My favorite is:
    computer-savvy and "early adopters"...LOL, clueless overbearing confidence based on ignorance.

    Not only is the "genius bar" full of retards who help more retarded retards, but omg...if "computer savvy" means knowing how to use web applications that don't require install of real programs, then I'll grant "mac-users" that one.
    Considering that nearly all "Pro IT" overwhelmingly used Windows not to mention that "gamers" are one of the most comptuer-savvy consumers, where the heck do computer-savvy Mac users come from? Those who can use FB, Twitter, Tumblr and other "early adopter software" vs. the old school, MS Office, ultra graphics games, Product Lifecyle Management Systems, and other real software? Yeah, I guess "young 20-somethings" will find out how using your Facebook / Web 2.0 computer skills in the real world will get your fired!

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  • theranch
    Sep 21, 11:21 PM
    Correct me if I'm wrong...but, did any of you notice on that site that they gave an A+ rating to the Celeron machine and D & C's to the top 8 in the list? If you click on the colored bar for each system then scroll down the page there is a chart to explain the rating. It's a joke. I wouldn't depend on this site at all.


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  • Lesser Evets
    Mar 28, 09:04 AM
    I understand why people like iOS, and it is useful for a lot of things. Productivity is far behind novelty/entertainment at this time, but iOS will become far more versatile when the portable hardware ups a few leaps.

    iOS 9 + iPad 5 might be worth the hype. IMO

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  • christophermdia
    Apr 20, 01:08 PM
    That said, I may pick up a current gen MBA based simply on the fact that it's a known entity with a generally positive and proven reputation. The hypothetical Sandy Bridge MBA could end up being a great product too, but then again it could be a flawed wreck. Only time will tell.

    This is what I just did, was waiting to decide whether to give my wife my MBA Ultimate and get a new Sandy Bridge version when its released or just go ahead and buy her another Ultimate. I opted to get her the Ultimate, The way this thing performs it could last me 2-3 years easy, unless some crazy CPU/MEM intensive programs get released that I feel I really need to have...Everything opens in one bounce and handles Parallels with Win 7, Photoshop, Xcode, etc...without a hitch...Only thing I would want is Thunderbolt, provided there was a drive released to take advantage of the technology...


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  • bella92108
    Apr 1, 01:07 PM
    Ala Carte Channels would cause some channels to go away, on the other hand it would allow other channels to thrive and flourish, because the channels people really wanted to watch would get the most revenue.

    I don't want to overpay for the 10 channels I want so 20 other channels I don't care about can continue to exist. Let the marketplace sort it out. It certainly would not actually make channels appeal to a wider demographic, it would probably be the opposite really, as small strong niches carry the day and carry their channels and the programming.

    Very intelligent post. +1

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  • Thomas Veil
    Apr 8, 06:09 AM
    How dumb can a party/movement be?
    Please...don't give them a challenge.


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  • bobbleheadbob
    Apr 14, 02:36 PM
    How much does a job like this pay? Looks like Microsoft has a Data Center Manager position open. Maybe I'll apply. How hard can it be?

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  • efoto
    Sep 17, 04:21 PM
    Alright, perhaps the second time I was going there just to see what I could see, I'll admit that. The other time however was my friend's first time to that mall (yes runninmac) since the Apple Store opened, and he did want to look at iPods, which took him a whole 5 minutes.

    I see what you all are saying, but it makes me sound like some sort of predator or something. I haven't gone in drooling and grunting all while starring at her. It takes two to make eye-contact you know, and it wasn't a creepy sort of thing, just a passing glance from a decent ways away. I didn't see her and suddenly start moving her way or anything, it was just a look. The story was outlined as such solely because I was bored, so I put a little more thought into the story than perhaps I should have....I am not obsessed with her, and if she is reading this then she can read that....I would easily pass her by I just thought she was cute and it caught me off guard that she would say hi to me outside of her paid-to-talk place of employment.

    Anyway, I only go there when I go to the mall, and only because it is the easiest store to relax in for a short while if I need a break from actual shopping, because there is a ton of eye-candy (computer wise) that I can wish for and play with. I will take your advices and not try to make eye-contact with her on subsequent visits, but I have to say that sounds pretty high-schoolish that I can't even look at a girl I happen think is attractive, but whatever if you all seem to think it could really be creeping her out.


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  • floatingspirit
    May 8, 02:36 PM
    The thing is that OS X uses OpenGl, where Windows uses DirectX. I'd agree with you, but I'd prefer running in OS X vs rebooting and my macbook running hotter. Plus while in the menus, I can resize with apple + m, and open safari real quick, yet still be in the game. Plus, even on low, the game still looks pretty cool in my opinion.

    Why do u need safari while you're in a game? Looking up a useful hack? ;)

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  • azraq27
    Nov 21, 04:35 PM
    Here's my idea:

    Hook up that chip, and then just keep overclocking the thing... you don't have to worry about it overheating and melting, it'll just give you more battery life.

    It could go infinitely fast for infinitely long!

    There's probably something in there about conduction and efficiency and stuff, but I'll leave that to the engineers


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  • iBlue
    Sep 15, 08:55 PM
    I find it funny that people come here for medical advice! :rolleyes: ever heard of a Doctor? :p

    ever heard of comfort and the benefit of personal experiences? ;)


    iGary i'll just say again that i hope you ask for Zofran (or at least some such antiemetic) this will go a long way towards keeping you from getting sick, since i know you're worried about that.

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  • snberk103
    Mar 17, 10:47 PM
    In response to all the "Recommend Me a Camera/Lens/Editor etc" threads, I offer this. Comments or additions?

    Buy A New and More Expensive Camera Because It'll Make Better Pictures


    This can be expanded to include buying gear in general, like strobes and backdrops, etc...

    ... I have noticed I feel a bit intimidated by portrait type photography. I don't have the right equipment for it (flashes, strobes, backdrops, studio...), and I'm not sure I want to go that route. ...

    I think you need to read that bit above again.

    You don't need much gear at all to get started doing great photography - you just need to be good with people and have reasonable photo skills. If you are have that, then all you need is a reasonably sharp and long-ish lense and a window. See Lloyd Erlick ( for example. I don't think he is still active, but he was shooting 4x5 BW portraits by window light. I think some of his portraits are the best I have seen. I've learned from him to try and keep my portraits simple. I tell my students that doing portraiture is both the easiest and the most difficult kind of photography there is. Easy because you can make great portraits with window light, and one good lense on a camera. If you want to get fancy you can add a reflector :) . Difficult, because you need to work with people.

    ... I also don't care for sports in general, so that's not a likely path for me, either....

    Good decision. If you don't love the stuff you shoot, it shows.

    One of the best rock-n-roll photographers you will not have heard of in North America (if not the world), is Dee Lippingwell ( She had a daytime job, but loved music. So she approached an entertainment weekly and offered to take photos, in order to get the press passes into the events. She then quit the daytime job to do the photography full time. Still loves the music and the music biz.

    I've sat through a couple of seminars she has done (short on technical advice, but huge on rock-n-roll stories!

    Don't let the website fool you. She doesn't actually need to advertize much. She was one of less than a dozen photographers that Mick Jagger personally invited to shoot the big SARS concert in Toronto a few years ago. I have the honour of calling her a friend, and in one of her band shots on the website you can see my former studio reflected in the subject's sunglasses.

    She loves what she does, it shows, and her clients know that.

    So keep banging away. It gets easier, then more difficult, then it plateaus into sort of easy again. Well, not really - but you love what you do so much you don't notice that it's difficult.

    ... of the above are imho, of course....

    PS: Thanks Dale for the OP!


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  • flosseR
    Mar 29, 10:00 AM
    Thatisme, please read this, and read it CAREFULLY...…

    These are the complete comments to all your relevant posts:

    "To the previous post about focal lengths, the difference in perceived focal length comes into account when you factor in the 1.6 cropped sensor. Since the sensor is physically smaller than a Full Frame or 1.3 crop sensor, it is essentially taking the image from the center portion of the lens.

    So, you WILL get different focal lengths from 2 identically marked lenses where one is an EF-S lens and the other is an EF lens."

    --INCORRECT on the same body you will get the EXACT same image

    "Nikon also created a FULL FRame camera a while back that also had the ability to create a "cropped" image to increase it's rate of capture to achieve results in FPS that were similar to canon's 1D series bodies. Effectively if it captured less pixels per image, it could do so faster."

    -- ALL Nikon Cameras can use ALL Nikon made lenses. And no, that wasn't the main reason to do that.

    "YOU WILL GET DIFFERENT IMAGES IF YOU USE A 200mm EF Lens on a 7D (APS-C) and a 200mm EF-S lens on that same camera due to the FOVCF. on the EF lens, the 200mm assumes you are using the ENTIRE image circle of the lens, which you are not. You ARE using the ENTIRE image circle on the EF-S lens, which is a True 200mm for that camera. You have to use the ENTIRE image circle to get a true measure of the focal length. when you use only a portion of that image circle, you have to apply the FOVCF to get the EFFECTIVE focal length."

    -- This is pulled out of you mind because it does not make sense at ALL and is so incorrect it's not even funny.. the lens is NOT adjusted to the focal length.. the length is the same.. the EFFECTIVE focal length (or Field of VIEW) comes from the sensor.. NOT the lens!!!

    "ok. this is getting comical.

    From your post, blasting me....

    A canon 55-200 EF-s and a 70-200L lens at 200mm on a canon 7D will produce the exact same image...the same as if you would mount both lenses on a full frame body and crop the image by 1.6"

    -- NO YOU WONT!!! what are you? a troll that needs feeding??

    I compared BOTH lenses mounted on a 7d to BOTH lenses mounted on a 5d… if you crop the BOTH images from a 5d you have the same as BOTH from a 7d..
    If you take BOTH shots from a 7d .. they are the SAME.. and they are the same if you shoot them both on a 5d..




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  • mrkramer
    Apr 23, 12:50 AM
    Then how do you feel about our current president?

    He's better than the McCain would have been in most things, but on a whole he gives in to the Republicans way too much. He passed their healthcare plan instead of one that would actually work, kept Guantanamo open, and as far as "National Security" goes he's about the same as Bush. So basically, he was the best of the two choices, but still not very good.

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  • p0intblank
    Nov 11, 11:54 AM
    Even though I didn't know what they were saying, I still got the basic idea and found it humorous. :D

    crazy dave
    Apr 5, 05:41 PM
    The problem with CR's iPhone 4 report was not that they didn't recommend the iPhone 4 when it originally came out on AT&T but that they then reiterated their "Not recommend" labeling for the Verizon iPhone 4 for having the same 'death grip' issue. They did this despite that the Verizon version had a different antenna design. Anandtech, who were amongst the first to quantify the 'death grip' issue for the AT&T version, showed that in fact the VZ iPhone 4 fared no worse than other smartphones. For the original iPhone 4, CR felt while it was great in many categories, it's antenna issue was too great a problem in their eyes. One could argue that they overstated the problem given that most users didn't seem to mind, but their position of "Not recommended" is not unjustifiable for the AT&T iPhone 4. However, CR clearly screwed up on the VZ iPhone 4.

    Oct 6, 10:18 AM
    Why would Apple do what has failed all other manufactures during the time Apple's one model mantra have eaten sales from other manufactures?

    So the iPod Nano and Shuffle are failures in the same context?

    Jan 6, 09:52 PM
    Scrap that, working now.

    Mar 19, 07:50 PM
    I agree with most of what you say, except.... I don't get the "Shoot only Full Manual" advice that is heard here and in other places.

    I'm really enjoying this whole thread..... :)

    Well shooting manual works for what I do. I doubt any sports photographers use anything other than Aperture Priority mode I would think.

    I should add that I've done my fair share of large-format work. Doesn't get more manual than that! And I certainly pop back into manual on occasion.

    I was going to say that for learning, people should use Manual, but I think that can really drive new photographers away. It's too much to keep in mind when you don't have a good workflow, and then it's frustrating to get so many bad shots. I like telling people to concentrate on one thing, then when that's comfortable move to another aspect (so DoF, then Shutter Speeds - generally.) Maybe full Manual when you've gotten past the big 'N' (for New Shooter) sticker on the camera bag until you're so comfortable with the camera that you can use Av & Tv efficiently and productively.

    But never Auto, well not usually.... Though I do tend to leave the camera on Auto when it's in the bag so that if the UFO lands in front of me all I have to do is turn the thing on and point and snap. :)

    Mar 24, 05:48 PM
    I just got off the phone with sale rep, and all they have is 32gb and 64gb left. When asked about the price, she said $500 for 32gb (??). I mentioned the article and she still said $500. Weird? Is there an official link to this somewhere on the verizon site, as all I can see is it bundled with mifi @ 429.99 (16gb).

    My store knew about the price drop and they had the price tag on the display updated. At the bottom of the price sheet that shows the iPad2 and iPad1 prices, it showed 299/399/499 for the different models. My guess is if you buy it in store, it should ring up at the lower price.


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