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  • hayesk
    Dec 1, 02:46 PM
    I would really like to see how they installed this.

    As far as I know, a web page can't save and install files, so how does the adware get installed in the first place. Does it trick the user into running an app? If so, then I wouldn't consider that a security hole.

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  • Red Roses Backround Theme

  • Mister Snitch
    Apr 22, 08:43 AM
    Next time, I'd suggest you check the accuracy of the "source" you are trying to use to prove your point. The F700 wasn't shown in it was announced just after the iPhone and wasn't available until later in 2007...

    Quite right, though I doubt 'rolfbert' WILL check his sources next time. Some people never learn.

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  • Cute Girls With Roses. cute

  • Padraig
    Aug 18, 04:28 PM
    Yet that doesn't change the fact that the BSOD still exists in XP.

    Ive never experienced the BSOD in 5 years, which is remarkable given the problems i had with 95. Bought a Rev D ibook when they were released, had two kernal panics within first week. Was not impressed with the stability of Panther, Tiger seems somewhat better. Applications still seem to shut down without warning.

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  • Leondunkleyc
    Aug 15, 04:19 PM

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  • Cute Girls With Roses. Wallpaper Collection of cute girls » PNG Frame|PSD Template; Wallpaper Collection of cute girls » PNG Frame|PSD Template|Picture

  • tjb1
    Jan 26, 01:12 PM
    Great game so far, who ever said I'll have loads of issues gaming on a PS3 must be dreaming and should probably get an upgrade from a dial-up speed Internet..

    Everyone has to bash PSN because its free, only problem I have with that game is people playing CTF for kills...camping with the flag. NFS: Hot Pursuit is a good game, just got it monday and so far I like it, a lot better than GT5

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  • Cute Girls in Glasses part 11

  • SilianRail
    Apr 12, 01:27 PM
    Wouldn't matter anyway if you were using a ThunderBolt external hard drive. Very few mechanical hard drives can even reach 1Gbps-2Gbps. You'll need several of the fastest SSDs in RAID to even reach ThunderBolt speeds.

    USB 3.0 FTW. More practical.USB 2.0 brings my CPU to its knees, can't imagine how bad USB 3.0 is. Some people have **** to do for the 2 hours its transferring.

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  • roguedigital
    Apr 14, 04:50 AM
    Someone has already pointed out the roman numerals ix mean 9, but no one has put 2 and 2 together ....

    What about the saying about being "on cloud nine"?

    I'm thinking it's a little inside pun related to cloud-based services that haven't had their marketing name released/finalised yet.


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  • Apple OC
    May 2, 12:08 AM
    I support the crowd gathering at Ground Zero in NYC ... it is a great day for them :cool:

    cute girls with roses. I just find them cute,
  • I just find them cute,

  • shandn
    Apr 15, 12:42 PM
    Are you guys for real?

    I'm not really into apple or apple products, but there is no big mystery behind the string ix.Mac.MarketingName (except for 'Mac', that is)

    'ix' is and object or a variable in whatever programming language they've written this in.

    'Mac' and 'MarketingName' are either methods or keys (in a hash) belonging to the 'ix' variable/object.

    Let me illustrate with a simple javascript/JSON variable:

    var ix = {

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  • Even freckle-less girls could

  • !� V �!
    Apr 28, 05:26 PM
    If you look at other photos it looks exactly the same.

    That photo has a weird angle to it. You can see the other side of the white iphone.

    Someone from "a" news service is bending a no story into "A Story." ;):D

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  • as a cute girl tattoo,

  • iRobo
    Oct 24, 08:50 AM
    Just for the record...

    Originally Posted by iRobo

    Just a note. If you look at the average of the average time between updates you discover that there are, amongst all the products, a 192 days period between updates.

    Currently only 177 days have passed since the last update to the MBP. Oct 26 would be Mac Expo in the UK. If they anounced then (185 days) and shipped one week later they would be at the average (192 exactly).

    Also noting that major US and Euro retailers are out of stock or low on stock is also a fairly good indicator.

    Finally, I think it would be pretty damn sad if after 192 days of updating they merely give us a .16 processor upgrade...

    /4 cents and counting

    cute girls with roses. I just find them cute,
  • I just find them cute,

  • akac
    Nov 4, 01:20 AM
    I should add that this is the one reason I'm interested in VMWare - native disk speed. I can partition my disk to XP and Mac ala Bootcamp and have VMWare use the partition natively for disk access.

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  • Cute Girls With Roses. “4-D girl” Sun Mi also took a; “4-D girl” Sun Mi also took a. MacRumors. Jan 17, 04:48 AM

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 24, 11:40 AM
    Just curious if you have any numbers to back that up? I honestly have no idea how Android fares up here. It'd be nice if they released numbers (have they?).

    Nope, just going by what I see around the bus/food court areas in downtown Montreal which is more anecdotal than factual. However, looking at world-wide market share numbers, it's not hard to see the trends and outside the US, the iPhone hasn't had "carrier exclusivity" for quite a while.

    Thinking that the reason the iPhone "lags" in market share is because of some kind of carrier exclusivity that just got ended 2 months ago is quite the US Centric view.

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  • Corey Grandy
    Jan 29, 09:21 PM

    Already had Seasons 1-6, 8 & 9. Just in case anyone wonders why I picked up 7, 10 & 11.

    Couldn't resist two good movies.

    Pre-ordered this, even law students love Pok�mon :)

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  • trainguy77
    Oct 6, 06:18 PM
    ^ have you tried the bigadv units with your macpro?

    No its only a 4 core is it worth it still? I also turn it off at night. So it takes a break 7 hours a day.

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  • Beautiful Girls Rings Hello

  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 29, 04:00 PM
    If Amazon wanted to sell their content, why would they not have contact to come to an arrangement? Why is this improper?
    It's 'improper' because it is not advantageous for Apple. I wonder if these same posters raised red flags when it was reported that Apple had boxed out the competition by 'pre-buying' touch panels for the next two years from the major manufacturers? Or when they did the same thing a few years ago (buying huge yields at very favorable prices) with flash memory?


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  • morespce54
    Jul 26, 11:15 AM
    but who would want to have a full featured iTunes when you still haven't solved the problem of typing. The most efficient part for me is to type out what you're looking for.

    Yes but who wants a "Tablet Size" Pods??? :confused:

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  • Keebler
    Jul 11, 03:52 PM
    the key to apple succeeding this battle is to win the rights with the movie industry.

    if bill gates gets there 1st, apple's in trouble.

    the immediate danger is that the movie execs now know that there will be 2 players, thus, I would imagine, lessening apple's power in negotiations. bad for us potentially given jobs' desire to create a level pricing field for dloaded movies.

    i would love to be a fly on the wall inside apple these days. i have a funny feeling that the 'ipod video' dev team is working overtime fixing issues and getting it ready for market.

    go apple go.


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  • Anime Girls With Roses. Cute

  • simX
    Oct 18, 07:51 PM
    Why, my friend, do you think that a "cash cow" has to be the thing that gains the most revenue/profit? Not sure what dictionary you're using; please let me know.

    Why, my friend, by "the iPod is Apple's cash cow", you imply that there is only one cash cow. But if you want to use the traditional definition (*&Query=cash+cow) of "cash cow", "a project that generates a continuous flow of money," then the Mac would be more of a cash cow than the iPod, because it has always represented a larger proportion of Apple's profits and revenues. Not once has the iPod represented more of Apple's revenues. So the Mac generates a larger continuous flow of money.

    Not sure what set of rules of logic you are using, but either way you are wrong. The Mac is still more important to Apple's bottom line than the iPod. Apple is also innovating more on the Mac than with the iPod.

    By the way, you might want to look up the definition of the word "emotional" as well. I'm using facts, you're making things up.

    May 3, 08:18 AM
    Good update. Nothing revolutionary, but everything that was expected.

    May 4, 08:58 AM
    Wait, tell me what the source is again? A CSR via a forum member?? Gotta be joking..

    Apr 22, 07:42 PM
    I can believe they will make a small gesture button but i dont think the phone will look like that, its hideous.

    My guess is they are going to do minor change, basically make a 4s. Will be faster slightly larger screen, thays about it. To me, they have pretty much created the perfect phone already

    Apr 25, 08:27 PM
    After this post, I can�t even think straight.

    I agree. Gay lapdances are looking pretty aPpealing when the alternative is that overpriced.

    Jul 24, 03:19 PM
    I'll take two, please.


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