world map vintage

world map vintage. world map, vintage and
  • world map, vintage and

  • seanpholman
    Mar 16, 10:41 AM
    Brea had a good number of Verizon models and a few WiFi, but no AT&T. GSM models are obviously being saved for the international launch.

    No GSM at SCP either.


    world map vintage. World Map - Vintage Style
  • World Map - Vintage Style

  • xVeinx
    Dec 1, 03:58 PM
    Vista looks like OS X so switching wouldn't be as big a pain.:)

    Except that getting a computer that will run Vista WELL (not just "run" it) will be a pain in your wallet, probably more expensive than a mac for a while (unless you just dual boot it :) ). The other problem is that you would have to rebuy all of your software, mess with all of the incompatibilities with Vista and the constant performance and security updates, hope that WGA doesn't conk out on you, etc. Trust me, the bundle of fun that is Vista is just too much for most :p.

    world map vintage. for a vintage world map
  • for a vintage world map

  • Matt-M
    Apr 28, 04:36 PM
    That ones not really too accurate due to the camera angle...its on a slope.

    It was on a slope. I used a guide line in Photoshop and rotated the original photo 0.9 degrees CCW to remove the slope. Check my photo vs. the original.

    world map vintage. GENEALOGICAL WORLD MAP

  • ZooCrewMan
    Jan 30, 10:32 AM
    Apple's stock (APPL in NYSE) has plummeted $68 in the last 30 days (from $198 to $130 or 35%) does anyone know what has caused this? Curious...


    Simple, it was overpriced.

    world map vintage. Vintage world map vector.
  • Vintage world map vector.

  • mrblah
    Jul 26, 07:43 PM
    A tower is more disirable to people who are new to computers because it looks like youre getting more for your money. Obviously this doesnt apply to everyone, and saying such sacrilige on a Mac forum is going to get a lot of strange looks since the audience would be part of the "not everyone" crowd. But if you actually look at what SELLS rather than what you think people want then youll see that towers are the most sought after among the people looking for maximum value rather than style. People dont care what their computers look like, if they did then why would Dell have such a big market share with their ass ugly cases? PC's arent a fashion statement, theyre a tool. PowerMacs are absurdly priced and will never make a dent in the market share, so those are only options for rich people or enthusiasts that are willing to pay such prices.

    Regardless of anyones opinion on how perfect iMacs are for new computer users, new computer users dont see it that way. They want value and upgradability since that means even more value in the long run. They dont know if they are going to upgrade anything in the future, the fact is that they buy a computer THINKING they will. You cant expect these people to know what you know, or to know that Apple has better quality parts than Dell or HP, they look at things and see computers and thats it. Not Windows, not OSX, just computers with already high prices.

    world map vintage. 1911 World Map
  • 1911 World Map

  • antpod
    Apr 13, 11:26 PM
    FINALLY. I decided to either wait for this or the iP5, whichever came first. eff yeah finally! My 3GS broke in January and i've decided to be phoneless for a couple months as an experiment on myself and im soooooooo ready to have a phone again.

    world map vintage. world map-vintage artwork
  • world map-vintage artwork

  • rolfbert
    Apr 22, 07:12 AM
    Germany is a painful place to defend a patent suit.

    because the law system actually makes sense?

    world map vintage. vintage scrool world map
  • vintage scrool world map

  • Full of Win
    Mar 31, 10:51 AM
    UGLY. I hope tey have an option to return it to the unified look of the rest of the OS. If not, I'm sure there will be a terminal hack to being some sense back to the UI.

    world map vintage. world map vintage design
  • world map vintage design

  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 3, 11:26 PM
    VMWare is going to smoke Parallels when it comes out. I can�t wait. I'm still a little bit miffed though that no one has gotten native partition support so we can use the same partition while virtualizing or dual booting.

    world map vintage. World Map (Vintage Style) by
  • World Map (Vintage Style) by

  • Cougarcat
    Aug 15, 03:28 PM
    i like the new Preview look :)

    Really? I can't stand it. The buttons break Apple's own Human Interface guidelines and make the interface even less inconsistent. One of the first things I did when I got tiger was to install Mail Stamps ( to restore the old look.

    world map vintage. world map vintage artwork
  • world map vintage artwork

  • daveschroeder
    Oct 23, 08:02 AM
    The word "same" never occurs in the text, which never contemplates multiple installs.

    It says you can't use it in a virtual machine. End of story. End of discussion.

    Vista Business and Ultimate include additional licenses to also run the same licensed copy of Vista running natively on the licensed device in a virtualization environment as well.

    In other words, if you purchase or build a PC with Windows Vista Ultimate, you can use that same installation and license to install it in a virtualization environment on that same platform. That goes beyond what has been done on any other platform for virtualization, and why the limitation is specifically delineated on Vista Home:

    You may not use the software installed[1] on the licensed device[2] within a virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware system.

    [1] This means "the software" (i.e., Vista Home Basic or Premium) is already installed on a licensed device.

    [2] The "licensed device" is the device that Vista Home is already installed on, and that license may not be reused to also install it in a virtualization environment, which you CAN do with Vista Business and Ultimate, because Microsoft includes additional licenses specifically for virtualization use, which is why there are all these specifics about virtualization use on the lower end Vista versions in the EULA in the first place.

    The Vista Business/Ultimate EULA on the same topic states:

    6. USE WITH VIRTUALIZATION TECHNOLOGIES. You may use the software installed on the
    licensed device within a virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware system on the licensed device. If
    you do so, you may not play or access content or use applications protected by any Microsoft digital,
    information or enterprise rights management technology or other Microsoft rights management
    services or use BitLocker. We advise against playing or accessing content or using applications
    protected by other digital, information or enterprise rights management technology or other rights
    management services or using full volume disk drive encryption.

    This is because Vista Business and Ultimate include additional licenses so that you can use the same copy, legally ALSO within a virtualization environment on that same system. This is more than is possible with any other commercial OS, from a licensing perspective. The restrictions on Vista Home are ONLY restricting you from using it in a VM on the device where it's already installed. If you buy Vista Home standalone as a retail box, and it's not installed anywhere else, you are free, legally and technically, to use it in a VM to your heart's content.

    world map vintage. World Map (Vintage Style) Art
  • World Map (Vintage Style) Art

  • djkirsten
    Nov 3, 10:47 AM
    i have parallels and it works great for me except the whole video thing. i work a lot with video and so that is of course why i got a mac pro :D , but as a freelancer not everything is in final cut so i thought i'd install avid in parallels. well it doesn't think i have a video card and thus wont let me do anything :mad: so if vmware can do that then sign me up.

    i also like the whole drag and drop idea, i dont know exactly if parallels can do that, i know you can share a folder, but i picture draging a file from my left monitor(s) to my full screen pc on my right monitor's desktop and it just popping up. that'd be neat but not enough for the switch from parallels.

    this is good though because it'll make parallels step it up even more and we'll get some more features quicker.

    world map vintage. Al-Idrisi#39;s World Map
  • Al-Idrisi#39;s World Map

  • Ommid
    Apr 24, 05:16 AM
    Lol, I wonder if you can change that wallpaper to get rid of the phone number?? :D

    world map vintage. Aged world map on paper scroll
  • Aged world map on paper scroll

  • SciFrog
    Nov 18, 05:20 PM
    Can't find ant update ad to when they will reinstate them...

    world map vintage. world map vintage artwork
  • world map vintage artwork

  • voyagerd
    Apr 14, 02:45 AM
    iPad running Mac OS 9! Just what I always wanted!

    world map vintage. world map vintage. world
  • world map vintage. world

  • Tonewheel
    Apr 22, 05:36 PM
    There is no way it could be that thin.

    I agree with you. The first thing I thought of was the battery. Unless Apple has made miraculous strides with reeeeeaaaaallly thin batteries, this design would mean about 45 minutes of juice.

    world map vintage. World Map 1689 ~ Antique
  • World Map 1689 ~ Antique

  • rmwebs
    Apr 13, 05:55 PM
    Cant see this working if its true. Apple are well known for their pisstake prices when it comes to displays. You'd have to be an idiot to buy one when you can get much better displays at much lower prices elsewhere.

    If they continue the '10000 x cost' method, it'll fall flat on its face when you can pick up a pretty decent 42" HD TV for in the $600 - $900 range.

    But, I would also guess AppleTV will be built in, so they will use that 'magical, one remote control' argument.

    Finally, theres the technical problems. They would need to include analogue tuners, in addition to DVB-T and DVB-T2 (which is in short supply) in order to get digital tv in the UK and AU as analogue is already over half way through being removed.

    Bottom line: Not gunnu happen OR will be a really piss poor 1st revision.

    world map vintage. Keys On Antique World Map,
  • Keys On Antique World Map,

  • cjscribe
    Apr 14, 09:01 AM
    So am I the only one left with the original iPhone? Had it since Sep 2006. Was going to wait for the 5, but I'll just get a white 4 in a few weeks. I'm happy.

    I am in the same boat as you. I think you and I are the only people in the planet that has the original iphone. Not sure if I will get the white4 or wait for the 5.

    world map vintage. World - Antique World Map
  • World - Antique World Map

  • BRLawyer
    Apr 26, 01:31 PM
    I agree with the others. Bring back the 24" model!!!

    I really don't get what the big deal is, even though I have a 24" model myself...come on, you guys are complaining about having three extra inches of workspace? Unless you live in a cubicle, this should be no issue AT ALL.

    I am definitely looking forward to buying a 27" one in replacement of my 2008 Aluminum 24", just for the extra horsepower, I/O and better GPU (not that mine isn't wonderful already)...just bring me SB goodness, 1 or 2Tb HDs, perhaps a small SDD for the quickest boot, TB port and a higher-than-average GPU...glossy is fine by me as well :D

    Mar 31, 01:40 PM
    I find most of the comments puerile or insane--over reacting with disdain or glee--while the major concern should be the function. I still find iCal a little limited and annoyingly so in terms of notes attached to daily functions.

    Who gives a crap how it is decorated! Make the thing work better and it will work better, and that's what matters to real people who need real organization within their lives.

    Can't help it I'm a snotty designer and one of the things I love about Macs are their liberal use of 'flair'. This is counter-intuitive to that style I'm used to.

    I will agree that any added functionality would be very welcome.

    Doctor Q
    Jun 6, 10:39 AM
    The best way to avoid unintentional purchases is to use the Shopping Cart. That way, you can consolidate and review your selections carefully and buy them when you're ready.
    For the record, Apple removed the Shopping Cart feature when iTunes 9 ( came out last September. You have to use the less convenient Wish List ( feature now.

    May 3, 08:09 AM
    The way they've been able to keep the price low while using quad-cores in EVERY iMac has been by downgrading the GPUs. The Graphics Cards in EVERY model are now mobile. In the last line of iMacs they were full powered desktop GPUs.

    So, you see, while there's an upside (the processors), it doesn't come without a down (the GPUs). At first glance I was really annoyed as the �999 one (which is what I got before the refresh) had an i5 quad core, then I saw the graphics memory and got even more annoyed, but THEN I noticed the large shiny M at the end of the GPU name. THAT's how they've been able to bring us them processors and still keep the price down. They've downgraded the GPUs. As my i3 processor practically acts like a quad core anyway and is virtually never pushed to it's limits I think I'm more than happy with what I have. The GPU may only have 256MB dedicated memory but at least it's not mobile.

    Jul 12, 09:44 AM
    i gave up wanting more from an ipod when discovered you cant take pictures from an ipod photo

    Oct 20, 12:22 PM
    My MBP is up and running 24/7 now, HP laptop working during business hours, and my CD iMac is running at night. I should be back to my "normal" output.

    Now I am itching to buy a MP :p

    glad to hear it!

    hey. mac pros are really nice! ;)


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