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  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 4, 09:17 PM
    Logic is my source. Society needs people, no people means no society. If there were no more babies society would eventually collapse.

    Wow. Does your logic also tell you that 100% of society is gay? Do you think that only gay males were posting here, asking for a source?

    Your example has no relevance to the actual world we live in. Even if every single homosexual on Earth decided not to raise a child (which is far from the truth), we do not all have to make/raise babies to propagate the species.

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 19, 12:33 PM
    And I'm not convinced this is only an application problem. When I run Handbrake on the Quad G5 alone it uses just over two cores 203% @ about 100fps analysis (1st Pass of 2) speed. If I add a Toast encode while that is happening, Handbrake takes a huge hit down to below 150% @ 70-80 fps analysis while Toast can only use about 130% instead of more alone. So the Tiger OS X seems to have difficulty managing more than one multicore application's core usage allocation up to its maximum capability - IE Tiger is not so MultiCore Enabeled as it could be IE Leopard probably will be much moreso - let's hope that is one of its TOP SECRETS.

    When I ran tests on the Mac Pro at the Apple Store last Saturday between Toast and/or Handbrake, their use of more cores alone and together was much better. Handbrake alone can analyze up to around 134fps while writing at about 107 fps using about 1.5-1.75 cores. So while not yet fully optimized for Mac Pro yet, it's already outperforming the Quad G5 significantly. Handbrake would appear to analyze files about 33% faster while writing them about 15% faster while using 1.5 to 1.75 cores. Quad G5 does analysis @ about 100fps and writes about 93 fps (2nd Pass) using up to about 2.2 cores.

    Toast 7.1 UB uses Mac Pro cores much more than it does Quad cores - in the range of 280 - 310% IE about 3 cores compared to only about 1.5 cores on the Quad G5 as well as on the Dual Core G5. Unfortunately I didn't have encode times for each of the sample files I brought with me from the Quad so I don't know the real time how much faster that really amounts to. Running simultaneously on the Mac Pro, Toast would use over 2.5 cores while handbrake would use only one or less than one at best.

    Together simultaneously on Mac Pro 2.66 it's
    2.7 cores/1 core best
    2.5 cores/.75 core worst

    Handbrake during Toast is down to as few as 60fps but sometimes up to 100fps as well. Toast meanwhile is Still consuming up to almost 3 cores with Handbrake running at the same time. So Toast would appear to be much more optimized for the Mac Pro's MultiCores than it is for the Quad G5's Multicores. Same could be said for Handbrake - especially since it is not really fully Optimized for Mac Pro yet.

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  • JonD25
    Aug 8, 04:18 AM
    This may have already been discussed somewhere, but the vast amount of threads on all the new Leopard stuff and the 10 pages of this thread are a bit to search through, so just ignore me if someone already brought it up.

    Did anyone notice the new iChat got rid of the brushed metal? One of the things I was dissapointed to not see was the talk about an improved/different UI, particularly the banishment of brushed metal. Could this be a preview of that fact? Perhaps part of the "top secret" features to come?

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  • simontarr
    Sep 15, 07:46 AM
    I think all this quad and oct core stuff is fantastic (it would be even more fantastic if I have the money to get such gear...)

    But at the moment it's the HDD that slows everything down. Your RAM may be able to send 4GB/s of data to the processor to deal with, but the HD can't write the said executed data at even a 10th of the speed.

    I remember reading a BBC news article the other month about mRAM (or magnetic RAM) which has the same write speeds as RAM, but without its volatility. It doesn't loose it's data when the power is off. Ideal for fast HDDs they say.

    On an unrelated note, wouldnt it been cool to effectivly install a whole OS on RAM. That would be noticably quicker....

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  • Eduardo1971
    Apr 6, 10:26 AM
    Boy this is great (**deadpan voice**).


    Want. Refreshed. iMac. NOW!!


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  • faroZ06
    Apr 27, 08:43 AM
    And once again people give Apple a pass for something that is clearly an issue.

    You mean to tell me that Apple, a company that seems to release fairly solid software, "neglected" to test that when disabling an option called LOCATION SERVICES, that it actually disabled location checking properly? Are some of you really so Jobsian?

    Call a spade a spade. There's no possible chance this was a mistake. They got caught. They should not be given a pass over it. If a user opts to disable Location Services, they were working under the false impression that their location was no longer being tracked. Seems mighty shifty to me. Doesn't matter how much data might have been user-identifiable. This sounds like something Google would do, not Apple.

    Not really. Although location services does not delete the log when you turn it off, it does cease to record to it. I don't see what the problem with that is.

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  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Sep 18, 11:33 PM
    I still think it's funny that everyone thinks these Macbook Pros are "long overdue" - when, exactly, did the FIRST Dell laptop with C2D ship? I thought it was supposed to be around tomorrow...but surely it couldn't have been before last Monday or so at the earliest.

    So that's, what? A week behind in the worst case scenario? Oh God...

    However - if they waited till November, then yeah, I'd agree that they were overdue...:)

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  • matticus008
    Nov 29, 06:13 AM
    One wonders why it hasn't been used in a Court of Law.
    Not really, though. There are countless ways of maneuvering around any such royalties, from framing it as an access toll to a deposit or anything in between. This added cost doesn't actually get you anywhere in litigation, most importantly because it in no way stipulates between you, the customer, and the label.

    What's also interesting is that if this fee is added they have now unwittingly legimized the stolen music.
    Far from it. Each tax payer contributes to fund their local DMV, and yet their services aren't free. The state collects a tax on car sales, which goes in most cases to road improvement, police departments, and the DMV (along with a truly bizarre array of other causes), but it's only part of the cost. You also pay taxes to a general fund, which is distributed to agencies and services you may never use (or even be aware of). Contributing some money cannot be construed as contributing sufficient money here.

    You also pay for car insurance which protects you in the event of an accident; intentionally putting yourself in an accident is insurance fraud. There's no such thing as "music fraud" (at least in this construction), but the result is a sort of piracy insurance policy for the label. Naturally, though, the labels claim such exorbitant losses and damages from piracy that even $1 per iPod would hardly dent that figure.

    If this went into effect, I would have a defense in court when I downloaded the entire Universal Label Catalog (All Their Music) off the net.
    If only it worked that way...

    Just to be clear, this whole idea of collecting on music players is nothing short of outrageous. But it doesn't have the legal implications or weight that have been popularized here. They CAN have their cake and eat it, too, and they know it. That's why it's important for me to ensure that these false notions don't become ingrained as part of the Internet groupthink--when you step back into the real world, you'll be equally screwed, with or without this fee.

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  • Thomas Veil
    Apr 27, 06:41 PM
    The whole birther thing just confirms my belief that these people are born with a total lack of a sense of shame. This "layers" nonsense is stupid enough, but we all know it's going to continue ( far beyond even that.

    The publisher of an upcoming book questioning the circumstances of President Barack Obama�s birth took credit Wednesday for fueling conspiracy theories about the president�s origins, saying he paid for an army of private detectives in Hawaii and provided information about the issue to Donald Trump.

    Joseph Farah, the founder and chief executive officer of World Net Daily, a conspiracy-mongering website with its own publishing arm, also said he has no intention of standing down despite the White House�s release of the so-called long form birth certificate showing that Obama was born in the state of Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961, as he always has said.

    �I�m not apologizing for nothing,� a defiant Farah said in a telephone interview with NBC News, insisting there are still questions about Obama�s citizenship aside from where he was born.

    The comments by Farah underscore Obama�s observation Wednesday that hard-core birthers are unlikely to be persuaded by any evidence, no matter how compelling....

    Farah, who still believes there was foul play associated with the death of Clinton White House lawyer Vince Foster, would seem to be a perfect example....

    In fact, Farah said, Obama�s citizenship, not his birth, is actually the principal theme of World Net Daily�s upcoming book by Jerome Corsi titled, �Where�s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President.� Corsi first garnered headlines in 2004 as one of the architects of the so-called �Swift Boat� attacks on John Kerry�s war record....

    (Farah) insisted the document must still be more fully analyzed before he accepts it as authentic. �I think it will take us a little while to examine this and determine if it�s legitimate....�What a rube. And paired with Jerome "Of" Corsi, yet. :D Now there's a beacon of light and truth.

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  • shamino
    Jul 20, 09:12 AM
    The Mactopus??
    Am I the only one who thought of a case-mod idea after seeing this line? :eek:

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  • gnasher729
    Apr 8, 07:43 AM
    Isn't this hypocritical since Apple has been known to do this in their retail stores too?

    Sources? Evidence? Easy to make cheap accusations, much harder to prove them.

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  • aloshka
    Apr 25, 03:03 PM
    "a perfect storm", "overreaction", "typical for the us to sue.."

    ... sorry, but in what ways do I benefit by having apple track my whereabouts to the day and meter? why isn't there an opt-in (apart from the general 'eat **** or die' TOU) or at least an opt-out for this? why is it so easy to access the data?

    ... apple deserves to get a beating for this.
    they're known for focussing on the user in terms of design and UI of theirdevices... they should also make the step to focus on their users best interest in terms of privacy and freedom, rather than their own greed.

    You obviously missed the point that they do not track anything. It's just a log file on your iphone, it stays with your iphone. I GOT even more news!! I FOUND a file on the iphone that stores text messages. YES PEOPLE text messages. I can read your text messages from this file if I have your phone!! Oh ya, I know you can launch the SMS app, but WHY WOULD APPLE NEED TO STORE TEXT MESSAGES ON MY DEVICE?!?! I'm suing!!

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  • scottsjack
    Apr 25, 02:35 PM
    Strange but using the downloaded software my 3Gs running the latest iOS doesn't show very many of the places I've been. I drove 400 miles this weekend using the 3Gs for navigation and a photo. Even that trip doesn't show. All I can see is a bunch of evenly-spaced dots in my area.

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  • Multimedia
    Jul 27, 11:48 PM

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  • neko girl
    Mar 1, 12:30 AM
    In my opinion, they should have purely platonic, nonsexual relationships with one another.
    Your ignorance is staggering.

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  • kingsmuse
    Apr 6, 05:08 PM
    This can't be right. MR posters have assured me that the Xoom is better than the iPad. I mean, if you can't trust MR posters, whom can you trust?

    You don`t really use the opinion of the American public as a standard for what is "better" do you?


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  • zac4mac
    Nov 29, 12:47 PM
    I also wanted to add... go onto UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP ( and see how many groups you would be missing if ITUNES didn't offer Universal.

    If you need "98 DEGREES" on your iPOD, then you better start freaking out...

    Otherwise, don't sweat it. Universal has nothing to threaten Apple with. No worries here.

    I went there, made it thru the "D"s and came up with these artists in my digital collection:
    Aaron Neville
    Al Jarreau
    BB King
    Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
    Blues Traveller
    Bob Marley and the Wailers
    Counting Crows
    Cowboy Mouth
    David Benoit
    Def Leppard
    Del Amitri

    There's a boat-load more there, yes they're a BIG label.


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  • demeni
    Mar 31, 04:04 PM
    Having had an Android phone I can say that the experience was mixed at best. It has potential to compete with IOS but the openess is hurting the overall customer experience not so much because of Google but more because of the attitude and the thoughtlessness of the manufacturers, and in the UK, the network providers.

    You couldn't update the software because the manufacturer had to first add its layers to Android and then the network had to cripple it with their rubbish so you couldn't forget who you had a contract with. So updates were virtually non existent unless you rooted and the manufacturer was doing its best to make sure you couldn't do that.

    What a farce! And now they want to impose this on people buying tablets!

    Android is doomed because of the same problems that haunt Windoze - no control over the hardware / software marriage so nothing will ever be robust enough. It'll never 'Just work'. I do still like some Google stuff (search engine / email) and Apple needs the threat of competition. They need to concentrate on their hardware / software efforts and forget about an open Mobile OS.

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  • CaoCao
    Mar 1, 04:37 PM
    No, not really. Why is this relevant?

    They are not permitted to marry their chosen partner, so no, this is again complete bollocks.

    Retrogress is a verb, and they were not retrograde, on the contrary they were very progressive in many respects.

    In short, your cogency is significantly inferior to Lee's.

    To argue a point one have a definition of the point. On what point of the definition do you dissent?

    The legal definition of marriage according to the government of the United States of America "...'marriage' means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife..."

    Thank you for point out an error in my sentence structure.

    Sep 19, 10:15 PM
    Why do you care?
    Why shouldnt I?

    Island Dog
    Aug 25, 08:24 PM
    Right. Because the whole "if your battery's serial number falls within this range, this range, or this range" concept was so terribly difficult to grasp.

    Yep. My serial falls into the range and the website still won't accept it. I guess I will have to sit on hold Monday morning.

    Apr 10, 11:42 AM
    I think the studio concept, as we know, it will be gone. It will all be one truly integrated application. Most importantly, full audio editing will be integrated obviating the need for OMFs and conforms for the person who does all of their own work.

    This will include a powerful titling tool, Motion graphics, compression, sound. There shouldn't be a need to launch an external application. Integrated Internet delivery will be comprehensive to social media, iDevices, and anything in the cloud.

    DVD Studio Pro will get a full overhaul and fully support The Bag of Hurt Blu-ray -- on an external burner for the new iMacs which will also be announced. Again, physical media gets an external treatment and the application will be the sperate step child of the newly integrated Final Studio.

    Jun 22, 11:50 AM
    My district here received their phones today...

    Out of 68 PINs generated, only 11 phones were sent. Only to 4 stores and one of the stores that received the most phones did not even generate P any PINs. System was screwed up like I thought it would be with Radio Shack.

    Out of the 11 phones 10 are 16GB and 1 32GB. The store that generated the most PINs did not receive any phones at all.

    Anyone shocked... I know I am not being I worked for Radio Shack for 7 years.

    Dec 7, 06:18 PM
    I love my TVR and my B-Spec driver actually knows how to handle it, so i've been using it as often as appropriate.

    I try not to sell any cars unless they are junk (like a 97 Civic or whatever it is. Worst beginner's prize car ever) or if i have two of the same kind.

    haha you should see some of the cornering my bspec driver does in my camaro .. hilarious
    regarding two of the same kind: i just won my _third_ VW Lupo as a reward... good grief what a waste

    some tipps: if you buy a Lambo for the lambo only race: buy a Gallardo, since there is Gallardo only race in the next set of races
    also for some of the early races the ferrari 512bb is really worth it especially some of the oldtimer races early on and with tuning even fast enough for the ferrari only race


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